At Your Fingertips!
Over 40 Years of Sales Leadership and Planning.
Over the top Sales Success.
Learn How to Transform your bottomline today!
Over 40+ Years in Sales and Station Ownership. I've condensed my proven strategies into "3 Minute Planners" and now you can take advantage by purchasing today.
Each 3 Minute Planner comes with an online companion video presentation. The videos are narrated, easy to follow, and present the topic in visual format to grab attention and focus on the material.
High quality, downloadable eBook for each topic. Use as a tool for you and your sellers to motivate and coach your team.
Is everyone on your team on the same page? Learn the strategy that helps you get a clean start for the next sales call.
Do you “eat your own dog food?” Find out what it means and how that may be impacting your sales or an outdated strategy right...
When you’re on-the-call discipline dissolves and you stop pitching to pushback, here’s a strategy to stop digging the hole deeper.
Baseball and radio have been married for over 100 years. Is your package strategy current? Newer strategies start here.
Change is constant. When consumption patterns go through seismic changes, your sales strategy needs to follow the money. Ready?
Don’t worry, be happy about the impressions the right radio schedule can add following the right strategy for today’s social media world.
Learn How to Transform your bottomline today!